Another challenge LO that I missed the deadline for :(
A pre digi pic of me and Lyns with little bubba Josh awwwww
OK here is the last five days as a quick blurb LOL
Sunday had a storm in the afternoon....turned off the computer just in case of the worst iykwim went to turn the internet back on to upload my challenge entries and had no internet :O I of couurse blamed Al (LOL) and pounded him about paying the bill (oops he had paid it 3 months in advance oops my bad LOL)
called Telstra Monday and they had no answers (typical) went and watched Brandan graduate from Primary school monday night awwwww it was funny when he and the other kids where singing the school song and Allan danced and poor Brandan was just about wetting himself with laughter on stage LOL
Tuesday ...what did I do Tuesday..........oh thats right I cleaned the house and did a heap of washing how exciting LOL called Telstra again and found out it was them having probs not us
Wednesday didnt do much during the day just some washing as it was too bloomin hot to do anything :P called Telstra again...getting really cranky now after finding out its an exchange problem and we just have to wait for it to be repaired
Today sweltered in the heat OMG its been bad!Made a vegie bake which went horribly wrong but we wont go there LOL Allan called Telstra again and we found out the internet is all good but have a huge massive virus from Facebook......THANKS MICK!He is now banned.....Ive had enough....aaaarrrggghhhh!!So since then I haev been sitting on my toosh checking out all that I have missed LOL
I did however get spoiled rotten while I was MIA :) I got something nice in the mail everyday!How awesome is that!!I got 2 prize packs from scrapbookingtop50,a pressie from SNS care of Santa :D thanks santa! I got my sketchie pack from Ally and a CIS RAK of some super cute brads and I got a set of rusty pickle alpha stamps I won from hArtymoments!!!How spoiled am I!!!
I spent last night with the gorgeous Nic,Jody and Sandra :) we had cuppas,ate waaaaaaaay too many lollies and made some cards (I'll upload the other cards tomorrow Jody ;) ) I also gave Nic and Jody their chrissy pressies and they loved them!Yay!!Im so glad they liked them :) It was a fab night thanks girls :)
Ive got more to upload but it'll have to wait til tomorrow because Im too tired and I need a cuppa LOL
massive thanks to the gorgeous ladies at ALLCRAFTZ who where worried about me *mwah* it is nice to be missed :)
TFL and take care
Krissy xx
the pink paislee you have used in the lo of morgan krissy!! you have been very busy had a laugh at the vegie bake- thats happened to be before lol. sucks about telstra... :S we all have horror stories with them. lol. love ya
Gorgeous layouts Krissy, bummer about the missed deadlines though :(.
WOW girl!! You've been so busy!! What awesome creations!! I love them ALL!! :) TFS!!
gorgeous LOs, tfs
Hey there Krissy, just wanted to let you know that I've got something for you on my blog if you want to check it out!! :) Hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season!!
Krissy - I would die for your flower stash ... just letting you know that you have been awarded the Spreader of Love ... check it out on my blog:
wow Krissy! I have just found your blog and I love it!
I have chosen you for a little surprise on my blog... please come check it out. I promise I am not a crazy stalker! ROFL
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