Oh and before I forget Lana is having an awesome sale at the moment so be sure to go and grab a bargain!!
Ive been working away on my stuff for the masters......just the double LO to do now and Im all set to post it all off......wish I could show you all what Ive done so far :( oh well have to stick to the rules hey! I know what papers I want to use just dont have the energy to walk down and get them :( yep you guessed it Im still sick :O cant believe after 5 days Im still sneezing and and now working my way through my 3rd box of tissues *insert rolling eyes here* I dont feel too bad til I try to do the norm then I am flogged because I cant breathe properly.......aaaaarrrrggghhhh who gave me this bloomin flu!?! Dad reckons Ive given it to him over the phone LOL good one dad!I think it may have been someone when we where at sizzler last week........maybe......who knows.Al said to me this morning during a full on sneeze attack....."maybe its swine flu babe"gee thanks for that ray of sunshine first thing in the morning honey!!LOL My reply was "well if I cark it you're set"LOL he wasnt impressed.
My super cool awesome nephew Josh is racing in the go-kart state titles this weekend (I cant watch he goes waaaaaaaaaay too fast for this Auntie LOL) and yesterday qualified 10th and is racing today and tomorrow so Im sending out a little cheer to JT go Joshy you can do it bubs!!Just dont tell me your speeds you went LOL
Okies Id better go and make myslef look half decent......im over the casper look it aint pretty lol
Have a fandabbydosey weekend lovelies!
Happy 4th birthday to Jakob!!Sorry I couldnt come to your party little man :( I bought you a cool pressie though ;-)Hope you have an awesome day!
Krissy xx
Ooh that sneak peak looks yummy and how cool is that tote and loot?! (keeping with the wk 6 pirate theme LOL) Hope you're feeling better soon Krissy.
love your little tote Krissy, so cute!! congrats on the comp win to get it ;)
LOVE the sneak for Jules, looks awesome!!! can't wait to see it
oooooh very yummy goodies! The sneaky peek looks very cool too!
aw how cute are the cupcazkes :) love your prize too :)
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