I had another play with the
"Beautiful Sophie" kit :D I am a wee bit in love with those flowers I think lol
Heres a quick close up :)
and a shockingly dodgy photo of the LO :( the light is weird at this time of year and it makes it mighty tough to get a good photo :$ You get the idea though .....such cute little people in Morgans dancing group :D

Ive been creating some new flowers and what better way to have a play than with new colours :D
Orange,yellow and green polka dot fabric *drool* far out these colours are bright and fun :) Im especially loving the green :D Im listing them in the
shop today if you want to get some to play with :D

We have a disaster happening at the moment.....a stinky,blocked pipe kind of disaster :( The council came out today and checked it and the pipes are blocked with tree roots :( the good news is that its on council land so they will be paying to fix it , the bad news is that the previous owner built our garden shed on top of the mains they will need to dig up to replace argh......just when I got the grass to grow and had the yard looking half decent *sigh* ah well im sure there will be photos of the work to scrap lol
The list for the
Wicked Princesses retreat is full :O Im trying to get a few more spots made available ....emphasis on the word "trying" so if youd like to come and arent on the list please let me know so I can see if I can help you out and make it possible for you to come :)
Okies better go :)
Thanks for visiting :)
Flowery hugs
Krissy xx