OK these are just a couple of my new LO's......blogger is going way too slow today and wont let me upload anymore......I am sick :( I have the worst flu at the moment.....and I'm being a big sooky lala about it LOL!!Good job I am married to the best man in the world who is spoiling me rotten......he bought me all sorts of cold and flu tablets, a new supply of tissues and some lip balm for my sore lips :) and to top it off he went and did all the grocery shopping so I didnt have to.......he is so good :) We have had an eventful week this week.....kloe (aka houdini) has been getting out nearly everyday since I got back from mum and dads (aaaargggghhh) and on Tuesday she broke through 2 fences and almost killed someones pet chicken :( I was soooooo mad at her.....the lady said it was OK but it wasn't ok with me......anyway by the time I had chased Kloe around the streets (with a fever) for half an hour and finally cornered her in a neighbours yard Allan went to see the chook owner and the chook was up and eating phew.....what a relief!Kloe has been on lock down ever since because i just know she will keep going on the search of chickens again......norty dog that she is.....hot tip:NEVER own a pure bred jack russell!!!!!!!On the subject of dogs I got a disturbing call from mum yesterday saying Lucy was gone......we have had Lucy for about 12 years and she never gets out of the yard (unlike some dogs LOL) so we where all panicking that maybe it was "that time" and she had gone off to be alone.......we where all stressing to the max about poor old Luce and dad was at work racking his brain as to where she might have gone when the penny dropped......dad remembered the last time he saw the old girl was the night before when he went to the shed to lock it up......so the first thing dad did when he got home was go out the back and Toby ran straight to the shed door and low and behold there she was!!!Snuggled up on dads chair!!!PHEW!!!!So glad she is ok :) we always forget that she is getting old because she never sits still!!Shes a great dog :)Lyns had a great 30th birthday and she loved her pressies!!I'll upload the pages from her album tomorrow so you can see cute baby Lyns :) Dad has his birthday this saturday so we are going to visit for that (camera in hand of course ;) ) Don't forget to check out my new blog for my DT work
HERE take care :) and thanks for looking!Krissy xx
what a naughty little doggy krissy! i hope she is learning her lesson. lol. hope you feel better soon, wish mick would look after me when i felt sick :( LOL. xox
Beautiful layouts Krissy. Jack Russels can be naughty!! my SIL had to put her Jack Russel down after it attacked the neighbours sheep.
Your layouts are just gorgeous. I especially love the one with you and hubby.
I love looking at your work.
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. I love all of your work, but the 'Perfect' LO is just PERFECT. xx
Krissy - Jack Russells certainly can be naughty. There is a JR cross that just waltzes straight through our fence to have a play with our dogs. He lords about the place then just slips back through the fence and off. He also conned our neighbours into feeding him and letting him stay at their house for a few days before he took off home too.
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