I found out last night that I won an Autumn Leaves book from scraplounge !!How cool is that!!Scraplounge is a great resource of sites,competitions and more.....check it out !!On a sadder note Scrapboutique is still recovering from those nasty horrible hackers......I could use more descriptive words but I won't......stay tuned for updates though because Chelsea is planning on having a celebration cyber crop when all the glitches are fixed!!No news on the DT tryout yet but no news is good news LOL!!This LO is one that I created for Kates blog challenge....attempt #2 I only used one pic on the first one.....oopsie!!I'm really pleased with it though!Thats all for now but I will upload the photo of the LO I created using a sketch by the always talented Liz at CIS tomorrow :) TFL Krissy xx
Your blog is looking fabbo lovey!!!Love your lo's, and I hope you get the DT position- you so deserve it!!! Congrats on your new camera:) Lucky duck!!!! xoxoxoxox Shelly
beautiful LO Krissy, congrats on winning the autumn leaves album!!
congrats on the prize krissy!! you are so creative and fun :) hehe
~kate (mumofmoo)
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