Ummmmmm what else is happening..........oh nearly got ran over by the postie on his scooter today PMSL and it wasnt my fault!!!Shock horror hey LOL He was too busy watching a guy across the street whippersnipping lol It must've looked (and sounded) funny though......me jumping up against a fence and squealling LOL then I said "sorry" ......typical me apologising for something thats not my fault LOL
Al is flat out with work which is good but means he is flogged the rest of the time :( I swear he works too hard.......
Im still trying (with an emphasis on the word TRYING LOL) to keep fit.I still spend alot of time taling myself out of it LOL but for the most part im doing ok (I think lol) I bought one of those pilates rowing thingy bobs today and had a go with that........im sure they dont make these things and try them out to check how much it hurts your tooshie to be at that angle lol My toosh was sore!!Surely I have enough padding on there to stop it hurting lol!!May have to invest in a pilates mat...........maybe LOL
Im off out to an SU gathering on Friday night with Nic,Jody,Kim Chrissy and Mel :D Cant wait for a girly night of crafting :D its gonna be fab!
Okies Im off to make a cuppa and get ready for some snoozin........cant wait to get Eclipse.....I need another fix!
Thanks for stopping by lovelies :) Thanks for the comments too they always make me smile :D *mwah*
Krissy xx
Oh I worked out the blog thingy too........one little missplaced <> thingy bob and it all went haywire :$ had to look it up on blogger for dummies PMSL
Congrats on the pub!!!! Love the classes!
WOOHOO on the publication!
Loving all the creations. (Glad you hear you resolved your blog gremlins).
Congrats on the publications Krissy. Loving your cute mini albums!
Yeah for you!! :) Congrats on the publication!! Your projects are just gorgeous as always...I can see why this happens!! TFS!
Hi Krissy, Congrats on getting published again! Love the albums, they are so cute! I still haven't had a chance to finish mine.
*sigh* eclipse *drool*
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