My card example for this week at wicked princesses!Bon Voyage.....loving the blues and I used my stampin up stamps :D

I had a lovely time with my family and the peeps :) Morgan wanted me to stay longer but I couldnt , she had her first swimming lesson on saturday and the pics Lyns took are so cute!But she forgot to give me the copies she had made so I cant scrap them yet :( Awwwww
Josh is going to districts for his outstanding effort at the school cross country so the little man is gearing himself up for it all....he is even going to school early so he can practice with the other kids :D So cute :)
We went to the Casino on saturday night with Nic and David and their family and other friends to celebrate Davids 30th birthday it was a great night even with the revolting peach margarita :P OMG it was foul!Nic,Chrissy and I where PMSL at each other every time we had a sip because it made us scrunch our faces up they are sooooo sour :P ewwwwww never again nope LOL
Oh and before I forget OMG yay!I won 2nd place on my LO for scrap the boys!Woohoo!Im going to join in again this month I think it was heaps of fun :) Thankyou to everyone who voted for me *mwah*
Scrapbooking memories sent me an email about my LO "Joy" and it will be in Vol 11 No4 woohoo!Morgan will be excited to see herself in print :)
Okies Im off to clean the house......joy LOL
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for all the lovely messages on my last post :D Im feeling much better thanks lovelies {hugs}
Krissy xx
great to have you back krissy!!! always love seeing your gorgeous layouts :D LOL @ the peach margarita, ill remember that one :) xox
Gorgeous layouts, Krissy, just like normal!!! Congrats on your published LO and I am sure Miss Morgan will love seeing herself in the mag!!!
hello there gorgeous! glad you are all better....your creations are just beautiful honey..xxx...
congrats on the SM acceptance...i bet morgan will love that!!!
jules x
ps when is your class with passion???
LOL I love your first and 2nd WP layouts :). Shame you had to do 2 though. Doh!
Congrats on the win too, very well deserved :).
Very lovely creations dear!! They're all over the top gorgeous!!!
Wow! You have been busy! Love your LOs...the original sloth Lo AND the retake LOLOLOL!!!
Congrats on the win and the pub!
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