My head is still hurting :( Is it my head,my ear or my dare I say it tooth :$ :( i dont know whats going on but it isnt fun being me at the moment.......I cant look at the computer for too long before my head starts thumping and I feel like my head is going to pop :( Im going to try and make an appointment with either the doctor or the dreaded "D" word soon and hopefully be pain free........Im such a sook and have instant panic attacks at the thought of the "D" word.......the chair,the instruments.........eeeeewwwww and aaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh the last one I saw I told him that I was terrified of him and he said "but you only just met me" LOL unfortunately he doesnt practice anymore so i'd have to go through the whole rigmorol (SP?) of getting someone who understands my phobia ............no,no,no i dont wanna go :( Gee's hope Al doesnt read this because he'll make me go now LOL ssssshhhhhh girls dont tell him k? LOL Im surprised he didnt catch on when I called and asked him to get me my famous toothache pain killer combo lolHanging out for some relief becuase this is agony :(
Im off over to Jody's place tonight with the always gorgeous Nic :D Card making is on the agenda so that'll be cool bananas 8-D
Have a fandabbydosey weekend and check out the NSD celebrations at Wicked Princesses tomorrow.......I created something a bit special to get you inspired :)
Thanks for stopping by lovely peoples *mwah*
Krissy xx
Hi Krissy, I feel your pain!!! I have the same phobia and was only just talking about this afternoon with a friend (how weird)! I honestly can't remember how long it's been since I have been, I dread the day that something starts hurting and I have to go. LOL!! Oh, well, I just think, I have had 2 kids nothing can beat me now!! I am sure you will be fine!
Love your new layout, it's gorgeous and love all those pastel pink colours!!
Fantastic LO as always Krissy!
I also detest the dreaded 'D' - can't remember the last time i went either. Hope all is OK with you soon.
Oh so sweet!! I adore your layout and the distressing is something that I think really adds so much to projects!! beautiful!! :)
Gorgeous work Krissy!
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