Look at my backyard..........this might not seem too bad but my house is up off the road......the water is creeping its way halfway across my side patio.Al tried to go to work this morning and there where cars floating....yep you read it right floating down the road :-O Apparently the we are cut off from both sides so we are stuck :( Im so not impressed.......I was meant to be going down to Lyns house to look after the kids while she moves house but unless the rain stops IMMEDIATELY or we build a boat (LOL) I wont be going anywhere :( We have had to let the dogs in (just in case they float away lol jokes) because there is nowhere dry for them to sit outside.....even the back verandah is soaked :(
Have a great day lovelies......the rain has stopped for now fingers crossed it stays that way!
Krissy xx
Oh no about all the water!!! Stay safe and dry lovely!!
Congrats on your prize and oh my... what a gorgeous album!!!
Not a good feeling about the flooding!!! I know all too well how you feel!! Hope there's no damage!
Your book is just gorgeous!! Congrats on your prize!! ;)
Oh no Krissy, I hope the rain stops for you before any damage is done.
Congrats on the prize, and I love your album :)
hey krissy hope u are staying nice and dry inside and that the doggies are behaving themselves. my sister in burpengary's yard is flooded too, its like a river :( i like your quotes book, very funky :) xox
Hope the rains does stop for and doesn't creep up any further, stay safe!!!
Woohoo on the win! Love the album too, it's gorgeous.
Hope the water is easing today :).
Krissy, I hope you are ok - I saw all the flood damage on the news last night! OMG! Love all your work in the previous post - gorgeous as ever mate! I have nominated you for an award so go check it out on my blog x
stay safe and DRY honey...hope it all eases soon...and as for that quotes album...absolutely gorgeous honey...i love it!!!
Love those rain photos they are rather cool! But where are all the circus photos?!! Haha just kidding. ;) :D Congrats on the win at Enchanted. :)
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