we do all sorts of crafting and fun stuff :D According to Morgan im the "best babysitter ever ever" lol cant beat that for a compliment hey! The peeps loved my new creations (see the
flowers blog for more details :D) and decided to make their own flowery creations!They where quick to find my mini "make it"box in my bag and they designed their own flowers :) The only thing I did was sew them together ...they picked the colours etc themselves :) Josh made the bright coloured one and Morgan made the one with 3 flowers :) All very cutie cabootie I think!

Josh is doing drum lessons at school and he loves bashing away at home too :) I got some videos of him doing some songs too :D He's pretty good I think....but then I am totally biased lol

We made ginger bread men .......from paper bags lol A total kindy teacher flashback for me lol I always loved coming up with the crafty things for the kids to do when I worked in childcare :) So my job was to cut out the ginger bread shapes and the peeps decorated them :D I LOVE Morgans little faces she draws :) Always so happy and super cute!

Josh is a perfectionist through and through :) He made a banner with all different facial expressions on each ginger bread man ...it was so cool!

She was saying "Look Aunt its me and you!" lol

"its me,n you,n Josh Aunt!"Then Morgan added string and they became her people kite lol She is such a crack up!
Just got back late last night and am about to head out to hit the shops and get some christmas shopping done .....hopefully lol
I'll be back tomorrow with some creative shares!
Thanks for stopping by!
Flowery hugs :)
Looks like you spoilt them Krissy!
The head bands are fantastic Krissy.
Looks like the 3 of you had a great time together.
I wish you were my aunt!! SO much fun!!!
Aaaaw. you must be the funnest Aunty EVER!!!
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